Deliveries and returns


Packages are usually shipped within 2 days of receipt of payment. They are shipped via La Poste with a tracking number and delivered without signature. Packages can also be shipped via Mondial Relay.

Delivery times are notified in each item description, and are given only as an indication: 3 to 5 days for items in stock, 10 to 30 days for items on order.


Under Article L121-20 of the Consumer Code, the buyer has a period of fourteen working days from the delivery of their order to exercise his right of withdrawal and thus return the product to the seller for exchange or refund without penalty, with the exception of shipping and return costs. Returns apply only to products in stock, not custom orders.

The buyer must communicate his complaint either by e-mail or via the "Contact" page of the site within 14 working days.

Upon receipt of the buyer's complaint, Sheena Artwork will decide on the follow-up to be given to his complaint and will send him, to the extent that it accepts an exchange, a credit, or a refund, as well as the return address. The buyer will then have to return the item by the carrier of his choice, taking responsibility for the arrival of the item safely.

Sheena Artwork will exchange the product, refund it or have a credit within 20 days of receipt of the product. The product can only be accepted in return if it is the complete product, in its original condition (understood not worn or modified in any way whatsoever) including packaging and accessories accompanied.